

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental and neurological disorder characterized by social interaction and behavior difficulties. It begins in early childhood and is a complex neurobehavioral condition. Autism is associated with trouble in social interaction and communication skills combined with restricted and repetitive attitude.

The symptoms of Autism generally appear in the first two to three years of life. Autism is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Autism spectrum disorder occurs in all socioeconomic, ethnic and racial groups and is more common among boys than girls.


Here, I will tell you about the three main types of Autism spectrum disorder.


The first autism spectrum is an autistic disorder which is also known as ‘classic’ autism. People with autism have difficulties with social interaction and communicating. They have unusual interests and behaviors.


Asperger syndrome is a form of Autism. People with Asperger syndrome have some milder symptoms of autism. They have social interaction problems and unusual behavior and interests, but they don’t have intellectual disability or problems with language.


This is also called ‘atypical autism’. People having some of the symptoms of the autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome but not all are diagnosed with the pervasive developmental disorder. People with this disorder have milder and fewer symptoms than autistic people. This disorder usually causes social and communication challenges and difficulties.


People with autism often have symptoms resembling other conditions such as learning disability, epilepsy, dyspraxia, depression, and OCD, but these following symptoms distinguish them from other conditions;

  • Difficulty in making eye contact
  • Slow respond or failing to respond to someone calling their name
  • Having unusual behavior or repeating certain behavior, like repeating phrases or words.
  • Talking for a lengthy period and unable to notice that people are not interested and not giving others a chance to talk.
  • Getting upset by little things or differences in their daily activities.
  • Can be more or less sensitive to light, temperature or noise than other people.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. The differential signs of autism first appear in infancy or childhood at the age of two to three years and last throughout life. It is distinguished by a lot of different characters which are found in autistic individuals.

Impairments in communication, social interaction, restricted interests and repetitive behavior.

  • Lack of smiling is one of the important signs of autism, if your child does not smile back at you when you give them a joyful, warm smile or if they are not giving happy expressions or big smiles by the age of six months.
  • If your child imitates the movements and sound of others or share expressions back and forth and imitating facial expressions and laughter by the age of 9 months can be an early sign of autism.
  • severe lack of eye contact or poor eye contact as the baby grows can be an early indicator because it is a form of comprehension and communication for kids.
  • If your child is not rolling over, crawling or pushing herself up then it can be a sign of delayed motor development.




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